Premier Digital has always been at the forefront of providing training and support for those wanting to engage more fully in digital ministry. In September 2019, Premier appointed the Director of the Centre for Digital Theology, Revd Dr Peter Phillips, as its own Head of Digital Theology. It established a link with Spurgeon's College where Pete and his colleague Jonas Kurlberg continue to offer the world's first MA in Digital Theology.

But now there's more:
Equipped for Digital Ministry
- based at Spurgeons College
- an (almost!) open access
- distance learning course
- for everyone
- exploring how to engage in ministry in a digital culture.
- six modules with six lessons per module
Ministry in a Digital Culture, Digital Church Comms, Media Streams
Inclusion and Ethics, Digital Church in Practice, Digital Futures
- each lesson has at least two 15 minute videos
- teaching from leading digital practitioners
- take as long as you like (within reason) to complete each module
- do some assignments along the way, if you want to
- the course costs about £16 per lesson!
Here's a sample from one of the lessons taught by Matthew Batten (Head of Comms for Llandaff, Church in Wales):
And for those who want to go deeper and already have some theological education:

Doctor of Ministry: Digital Theology for Mission and Ministry
- based at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio.
- in partnership with Spurgeon's College and Premier Media
- for those with a good Masters Degree in Theology or a relevant subject
- a direct route to a doctorate for those who have an MA in Digital Theology
- a practical course focussed on how to get the best out of digital ministry
- work with key digital theologians, Pete Phillips and Andrew Holmes, and with fellow students to explore how to solve issues around the practicalities of digital ministry in your context.
- a three year course leading to title of DMin (Dr...)
- two annual five day intensives in Dayton (August and January)
- one annual five day intensive online
- one annual five day intensive at a leading (US?) digital church
- tutorial and library support online throughout
- costs around £8,000 per year
- bursaries are available for this course
- potentially save up to 50% by applying now.
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